October 1, 2024 — Introducing Graillon 3See other posts

Introducing Graillon 3

Graillon 1

In 2015, GRAILLON 1 defended the idea of Pitch-Tracking Modulation, as a new kind of vocal effect.


Graillon 2

GRAILLON 2 (2017) was a more complete solution for voice changing, including pitch correction, pitch-shifting, and a bitcrusher. It has become a popular pitch correction for seven years, with 8 minor updates but hardly any change in its behaviour.


Since that time GRAILLON has been known for a fun and warm pitch correction sound that easily fits in the mix.

Graillon 3

Auburn Sounds engineering is constantly improving. We wanted to reflect our new quality standards and processes in a significant update.


GRAILLON 3 (2024) would preserve the qualities of version 2, and go beyond to make your voice professional in just a few clicks. It would incorporate INNER PITCH (2023) technology to create a most natural pitch correction.

What are those 3 pitch "engines"?


  • G2 engine is the original Graillon 2 algorithm. It is the same sound you've known for the past 7 years, flaws and all.

  • G3 engine improves this base sound in all directions.
    First it has better and faster pitch detection, with some stickyness though.
    PTM sounds better in that mode.
    It has slightly better pitch-shifting quality, and it's easier to recognize who is singing.
    G3 supports high notes detection, whereas G2 doesn't.
    It does all this while being as fast as G2.

  • I1 engine is much like G3, but instead uses the INNER PITCH pitch-shifter algorithm. It has a nice vocal sound quite respectful of the bass content and natural, but also more reflective. Keep in mind it is about 7x slower than G2 and G3 modes though, so it's not necessarily a win.

Other Core improvements

  • Formant-Shifting was added. Formant contour can be disabled, and scaled from 0% to 100%. Graillon 3 formants

  • Tuning each note by -100 to +100 cents. This was a most requested feature! (FULL Edition only) Graillon 3 tuning

  • Optional Stereo-linking in all 3 engines.

Graillon 3 options

  • Snap Min can be useful if you want to preserve some of the input vibrato.

More effects

Professional vocals need a number of effects, and we wanted to make that more straightforward.

New Graillon 3 effects

New effects:

  • Vocal Compressor: an emulation of classic FET + Opto pair, auto-gain.
  • Vocal Gate: a feedback-design, very fast gate that is efficient to remove static.
  • Vocal Preamp: helps with dynamics and sybilants.
  • Vocal Chorus: helps to fit in the mix.
  • Vocal Doubler (FULL Edition only): also helps to fit in the mix

The fast attack of the compressors really help have that "industry-standard" vocal edge.

In the end, all of the 7 effects are one-button, fast, with no further latency, and tuned for vocals. GRAILLON 3 latency is exactly the same as it was in GRAILLON 2.


One of the distinguishing features of GRAILLON was, and still is, its low-CPU cost. GRAILLON 3 continues in that direction, with a larger sound palette, an improved core sound, and a new look. It covers both "normal" and edgy vocals.

GRAILLON 3 is a fantastic, expressive plug-in that makes mixing vocals a simple step. This update is yet again free for our loyal GRAILLON customers.

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